Saturday, August 21, 2010


Today has been an emotional day. I have been packing closets and cubby holes that have been neglected for at least 4 years. I have gone through most of my mom's stuff and letters that were written to kids by her, repacking boxes that dolls were in  that she made, seeing her crafty hand work and reminiscing her stories of certain ones. I found the kids blessing outfits, baby blankets and other memorable boxes. My big questions was what do I do with it all.. Michelle, one of our grand daughters, cutely said as I picked up another box, "Are you going to cry again". I asked myself is this what my mom was feeling as she down sized and sorted stuff to give away.
Some things you just cant let go... to be continued.

Wednesday, August 18, 2010

The Cruise

Today we found out that we have reservations for the Ferry..I never thought I would be going on a 3 day Alaskian Cruise....Lots of things to do, we had the moving companies come out today and give us estimates... I was shocked. WE are taking just the basics and it was almost 11,000 pounds = $10,000. I have been going through the list to see what I could do without. Why is it that your house becomes cleaner and neater when you move, than the whole time you are living in it??

Monday, August 16, 2010

Count Down Begins

My Alaskian Adventure will soon begin.. Paperwork has been started and the "fun" is just getting over whelming. Still have a lot of mixed feelings, but I am excited. Monte and I both commented that it feels like a dream and not knowing when we are going to wake up, Monte says I will know when the last piece of furniture is loaded on the truck, that will be my reality.